Strategic Innovation Pre-Planning This eVISA form is the first step in opening an interactive dialog with the Virtual Thinking Expedition Company (vTx) in Fredericksburg, Texas, to explore the possibility of planning a Strategic Thinking offsite, a Thinking Adventure, or an operational Thinking Expedition focused on an urgent, unstructured challenge or problem facing your company, organization, team or group. This process will assist both you, as the sponsors of the offsite meeting, and us in the first stage of examining what you would like to do, why you would like to do it, and what results you would like to achieve. We will synthesize and summarize all of your thinking and will then be able to work with you efficiently and effectively in determining what the most appropriate process is for your event or meeting.
Following some questions you will find a range of numbers in parentheses. They indicate the minimum number of lines or sentences we would like to see in your response. Although some questions may not appear to relate to you or may not seem of particular value, please answer all questions. Responses such as "I don't know" or "None" are not particularly helpful answers. Strategic Thinking Offsites and Thinking Expeditions normally explore and work on some major "Mess". We define a “Mess” as a collection of inter-related issues, problems, obstacles, challenges, history, and opportunities. Ultimately all of the following questions relate to your “Mess”. Please trust this process - it works. Your answers and thoughts will be extremely valuable to us, and are your first push across your own mental frontiers into 3-Sigma thinking.