![]() MY MISSION: My Mission: Share a lifetime of climbing experience's to help others climb the mountains of problems we all face in daily life. MY VISION: Apply the skills and techniques that have been learned, practiced and developed in climbing the worlds hardest and biggest mountains, to solving the problems we face in life. OCCUPATION (WHAT I REALLY DO): Lead others into looking for and wanting bigger and harder problems to climb. SPECIAL SKILLS/ABILITIES: Quietly observe, listen and think about life and people, and from these observations make connections and see patterns that can be used in the formation and execution of working teams. EXPEDITIONS & ADVENTURES: 20,320� Mt McKinley in Alaska, highest mountain in North America and coldest mountain in the world (3 summits in 7 attempts). 22,860� Aconcagua, Highest mountain in South America and in the Western Hemisphere (2 summits in 3 attempts) . 19,360� Kilimanjaro, Highest mountain in Africa (3 summits in 3 attempts) 20,500� Chimborazo, furthest point from the center of the earth (1 summit in 4 attempts. 19,700� Cotopaxi, Highest active volcano in the world (3 summits in 4 attempts). 18,800� Orizaba 3rd highest mountain in North America (15 summits in 20 attempts). 17.887� Popocatepetl, Wearing dust masks to fight off plumes of belching sulfur clouds, to reach the summit days before Popocatepetl erupted, ending all climbing attempts for the past 3 years (20 summits in 25 attempts). 14,255� Longs Peak with a paraplegic friend, a blind friend and in July 1997 with my 77 year old dad and 76 year old mom, celebrating my mom�s 70th year since her first climb up Longs Peak in 1927 at age 6. DISCOVERIES I'VE MADE ON EXPEDITION: When things go wrong and plans don�t work, the adventure and satisfaction go up. MY PRINCIPLES AND BELIEFS: Life is for living and living is right now. MY VALUES: Giving, sharing , enjoying, protecting and passing on life. KAI: 144 MBTI: INFP LITTLE KNOWN FACT: There are times when I am very scared of heights. SECOND LITTLE KNOWN FACT: When I give a talk, I never know what I�m going to say until it comes out. |