![]() MY VISION: To impart the knowledge that every one can 'think' and every person has the ability to inspire others and create great things. TITLE: Chief Knowledge Officer OCCUPATION: (What I really do) Motivate and lead individuals to search for and acquire the knowledge that they can solve the problems that they are faced with and succeed at whatever they attempt to do. SPECIAL SKILLS/ABILITIES: Experience at dealing with over 20 diverse worldwide cultures. Ability to mediate and resolve issues across cultural lines notwithstanding various language barriers. Tough negotiator. EXPEDITIONS & ADVENTURES: Member of the Joint NASA-Yale University Everest Extreme Expedition (E3) team to Everest Basecamp May 1999. I explored different thinking styles and group dynamics of individuals on expedition, and investigated the effects of extreme conditions and stress on different thinking types and styles with respect to problem solving. Have traveled extensively to the following countries: Mongolia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Malawi, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, China, Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, New York City and Texas. Highest Climb: Highest Climb: Aconcagua, Argentina (22,841 feet), February 2006 Latest Climbs:
DISCOVERIES I'VE MADE ON EXPEDITION: 1) Everyone is creative and has the ability to contribute to the team in a meaningful and exciting way. 2) Always have a pee bottle that is a different shape from your water bottle for night use in a tent. MY PRINCIPLES AND BELIEFS: People show their true nature by the small things they do, not the big ones. Truly valuing family means understanding the true value of family. KAI: Somewhere between 130-150 (depending on the day or night!) MBTI: ENTJ LITTLE KNOWN FACT: I used to cover all my schoolbooks in plastic to protect them... then never opened them so they would not get used. |